
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A couple of Grad's

Well two of my babies graduated this past week.  Firstly my youngest son Garrett graduated Grade XII, he actually shaved and got a haircut just, just, I must say, prior to this day as him and his friends believe it is bad luck to shave or get your haircut during Stanley Cup Playoffs--and we all know how long the playoffs are---for heaven's sakes!!  (who thinks up this stuff up? I guess if you're female you end up combing your legs--lol! Gross! Anyways, enough from "Mom" I'm just so relieved he cleaned up for his big day and we're all so very very proud of him.
Here's another one of him and his good friend for the second grad he attended that same week.
Now, here is my little angel, my grand daughter Alexa who graduated from Daycare and will be attending Kindergarten this September, it seriously was only yesterday that she was 3 Ibs in the palm of my hand--so scary how time flies. This daycare is so awesome, she has been there for three years and they had this adorable ceremony and cake and certificates, etc for all the little "Grads".  She just cracks us up she's such a little performer and as you can see the only girl out of the bunch.
we asked her for a pose and she sticks out a leg--what a nut
well, that's my busy week so far , am on holidays this week so I can catch up on my crafting and blogging, house cleaning, reading and relaxing
Happy Days!!


  1. sounds like you had a fab week =)

  2. love the pictures Deb. MY my he does clean up nice!! heehee! Enjoy the weather whilst it lasts!

  3. Simply fabulous DEB! love the little Congrats

    xoxo Marjo

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