Hello today, Monday of the long weekend, of course I work at noon so no sleeping in for me, as if I could anyways. I just thought I'd put a little blurb about what I've been up to. Thrilled to bits to have been chosen in the top 3 at Prairie Fairy Friday's challenge which was Lace it up. Thanks so much Roberta. I've also been working on 3 cards and almost have them done. I'm having a lot of fun making cards for the design team at Die Cut Dreams. I seriously had to clean my craft table, it took me 2 hours if you can believe that and it's only a table. Anyways, what a 'Messy Marvin' I am. Now I have some room and organization to create again, whew!!!

Whey hey if you have so much energy howzabout coming over and cleaning up my desk too Debs, mind you I reckon it will take a tad more than 2 hours rofl.
Nicola -x-
Deb, congratulations on your DT news and your top pick at FFF. You deserve it!!